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The health and care experiences of people living in Calderdale during the Covid-19 outbreak

The CCG worked in partnership with Healthwatch Calderdale to gather feedback from anyone who has made contact with or tried to contact health and care services during the Covid -19 outbreak.

NHS and care services have had to quickly change the way they work and deliver services in response to COVID-19. Whilst NHS and care staff are doing everything they can to keep us well during this crisis, we know that things can be improved. 

You told us…

Key areas covered in the report include:

  • Access to services – covering limitations to face to face access, service closure and telephone access
  • Digital access – covering the use of online booking systems and video call appointments
  • Communication between staff and patients – covering the lack of information that has
    been made available about how services have changed, and missed opportunities to interact with people
  • Quality of care – covering person-centred and flexible support

The full report from Healthwatch Calderdale can be found at:


What are we doing

The report was discussed by the CCG’s Governing Body at their meeting on Thursday 22 October, and was acknowledged as a very comprehensive document.  Observations were made about the need to focus on Calderdale’s most underrepresented people, whether they be from black and ethnic minority backgrounds or others suffering from health inequality.

One of the main points discussed by members of the Governing Body was the ongoing need for the CCG, its commissioning partners and providers to effectively communicate with each and every community across our area and make people aware as to what’s happening with the health and care services available to them, particularly given the pace of change we’re seeing in the way these services are delivered during the coronavirus pandemic.

The CCG is committed to keeping people updated, and has asked for Healthwatch Calderdale’s help moving forward in providing critical input and guidance and how this can be done effectively.



The health and care experiences of people living in Calderdale during the Covid-19 outbreak 0.00 KB 77 downloads

The report was discussed by the CCG’s Governing Body at their meeting on Thursday…