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Walk-in clinic to be held at Halifax nightclub

Halifax’s oldest nightclub, The Acapulco, is joining the list of venues and locations to take part in the NHS COVID-19 vaccination programme.

GPs working together in Calderdale will be hosting two walk-in clinics to over 18s at the club. Visitors will be able to get their first dose of Pfizer on Sunday 22 August between midday and 4pm and Wednesday 1 September, 6-9pm. 

People who are due their second dose can also get this, providing they had their first vaccine eight weeks on or before the date of the clinic.

Recent findings from the Office for National Statistics showed that willingness to get jabbed has increased among 18 to 21 year olds. More than 1.4 million people between 18 and 24 have already been jabbed, including 10,428 (68%) in Calderdale who have their first dose.

Dr Lisa Pickles of Calder and Ryburn Primary Care Network said: “Over the last eight weeks we’ve seen a great response from over 18s in Calderdale stepping forward to get their vaccine. Some may now be ready for their second dose.

“The pandemic has been particularly hard for young people who’ve missed out on so many things that are part of their normal social life. Having two doses of the vaccine really is the key to being able to enjoy more freedoms.” 

Walk-in vaccination sites have proven to be one of most effective ways to improve vaccine uptake with all sectors of the community working with the NHS to host walk-in clinics. From places of worship to parks to pubs and clubs, support for the life-saving NHS vaccination programme continues.  

Simon Jackson, owner of The Acapulco said: “It’s been great to welcome people back to our dance floor and we’re keen to make up for the nights out we’ve missed- but we want to do this safely. Nightclubs across the country are working with the NHS to host vaccine clinics and we’re pleased to be one of them.” 

Clinicians and trained volunteers will be on hand to speak to anyone at the clinic and answer questions about the COVID-19 vaccine. Vaccinations are available on a first come, first served basis.

Find more opportunities to walk-in and grab a jab in Calderdale.


  • The Acapulco nightclub is open only for the walk-in clinic on the dates and times stated.
  • The vaccine clinic is supported by the night-time economy in Calderdale.