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The following documents may not fully meet accessibility standards. We are in the process of updating these documents to ensure that they meet accessibility standards, but if you would like to request an accessible version of any of these documents please contact us.

Archived documents

The following documents may not fully meet accessibility standards. We are in the process of updating these documents to ensure that they meet accessibility standards, but if you would like to request an accessible version of any of these documents please contact us.

Archived documents

The following documents may not fully meet accessibility standards. We are in the process of updating these documents to ensure that they meet accessibility standards, but if you would like to request an accessible version of any of these documents please contact us.

Calderdale CCG Drug Formulary: September 2021 308.66 KB 1823 downloads

The Calderdale Formulary has been developed to support cost effective prescribing…

Complaints Annual Report 2018/19 351.06 KB 391 downloads


Annual reports: 2013-19 27.27 MB 409 downloads


Annual Audit letters and reports 275.04 KB 5023 downloads

Annual Audit Letter summarise the key issues arising from our annual audits at NHS…

Annual Report and Accounts 2019/20 2.84 MB 1296 downloads


Audit Committee Terms of Reference 112.81 KB 228 downloads