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The following documents may not fully meet accessibility standards. We are in the process of updating these documents to ensure that they meet accessibility standards, but if you would like to request an accessible version of any of these documents please contact us.

Archived documents

The following documents may not fully meet accessibility standards. We are in the process of updating these documents to ensure that they meet accessibility standards, but if you would like to request an accessible version of any of these documents please contact us.

Archived documents

The following documents may not fully meet accessibility standards. We are in the process of updating these documents to ensure that they meet accessibility standards, but if you would like to request an accessible version of any of these documents please contact us.

The Provision of a Primary Medical Service (APMS Contract) 0.00 KB 138 downloads

The Provision of a Primary Medical Service (APMS Contract) notice can be found at…

Annual statement of involvement 2019-20 2.14 MB 152 downloads

This report provides an overview of the engagement and consultation activities that…

Annual statement of involvement 2018-19 2.08 MB 96 downloads

This report gives us the opportunity to tell you what consultation and engagement…

Annual statement of Involvement 2017/18 1.88 MB 89 downloads

This report provides an overview of the consultation and engagement activities…

Public Sector Equality Duty Report 2020 2.75 MB 164 downloads

This report is to evidence our compliance with the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED)…

Scheme of Reservation and Delegation 163.81 KB 95 downloads

The CCG’ Scheme of Reservation and Delegation sets out those decisions…

Inter-agency information sharing protocol 424.37 KB 101 downloads

Local organisations are increasingly working together. To work together effectively…

Working Time Regulation Policy 320.60 KB 172 downloads

This document sets out the CCG’s Working Time Regulations and Secondary Employment…

Trade Union Recognition and Facilities Time Off Policy 0.00 KB 1 downloads

Formal agreement for the recognition of Trade Unions and arrangements for the provision…

Secondment Policy 553.00 KB 150 downloads

This policy sets out a framework for both employees and line managers on internal…

Retirement Policy 415.15 KB 187 downloads

This policy provides information and a framework to support employees…

Recruitment and Selection Policy 416.37 KB 343 downloads

The Recruitment and Selection Policy is designed to support Line…

Performance Management Policy 180.98 KB 208 downloads

This policy provides a process and framework to manage work performance…

Pay Protection Policy 248.98 KB 186 downloads

This policy outlines the framework relating to the protection of pay and conditions…

Pay Progression Policy 406.71 KB 185 downloads

This procedure applies to all CCG staff employed under Agenda for…

Organisational Change Policy 4.00 KB 175 downloads

This policy outlines the principles for managing organisational change consistently…

Off Payroll Policy 978.64 KB 394 downloads

This policy outlines the CCGs approach to off-payroll arrangements…

Maternity, Adoption, Maternity Support (Paternity) and Shared Parental Leave Policy 235.25 KB 129 downloads

This policy provides a framework that sets out the organisations…