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Medicines Optimisation

The NHS Calderdale  Clinical Commissioning Group has a small Medicines Optimisation team which works closely with GPs and local health providers to ensure consistency and effectiveness in prescribing practice.

The Medicines Optimisation team uses their experience and knowledge of medicines to support our member practices with cost effective,  evidence based prescribing guidance

We have a Medicines Advisory Group which includes the Medicines Optimisation Team,  GPs, a practice nurse and representatives from our local hospital trust. The Medicines Advisory Group meets bi monthly and provides oversight and scrutiny of the Medicines Optimisation work programme and ensures that NHS Calderdale Clinical Commissioning Group has the appropriate governance processes, guidelines and commissioning policies in place to enable the population of Calderdale to gain optimal benefit from medicines.

Commissioning statements
Prescribing guidelines





Medicines and prescription information for patients

Ordering your prescriptions





    NHS Calderdale CCG considers offers of rebates on primary care prescribing costs in line with the CCG’s prescribing rebate policy.

    The CCG is currently signed up to rebates on the following products:

    Prostap –

    AirfluSal MDI – Sandoz

    Airflusal Forspiro – Sandoz

    Clenil Modulite– Chiesi Ltd

    Longtec – Qdem

    Lixiana– Daiichi-Sankyo Ltd

    Convatec Products – Convatec

    Stocare Products –Rhodea Pharma

    Rivaroxaban – Bayer

    Mezolar Matrix  – Sandoz

    Biquelle XL – Aspire

    Correct at 1.4.21