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                          Policy documents


                          Complaints Policy 903.63 KB 351 downloads

                          The majority of patients receiving care within the NHS are happy with the care provided….

                          Management of Conflicts of Interest Policy 726.48 KB 367 downloads

                          Why is it important to manage conflicts of interest? To give confidence that commissioning…

                          Incident Reporting Policy and Procedure 419.49 KB 257 downloads

                          NHS Calderdale Clinical Commissioning Group (NHS Calderdale CCG) is committed to…

                          Standards of Business Conduct Policy 525.91 KB 87 downloads

                          The Standards of Business Conduct Policy describes the standards…

                          Scheme of Reservation and Delegation 163.81 KB 94 downloads

                          The CCG’ Scheme of Reservation and Delegation sets out those decisions…

                          Inter-agency information sharing protocol 424.37 KB 99 downloads

                          Local organisations are increasingly working together. To work together effectively…

                          Integrated Risk Management Framework 419.42 KB 432 downloads

                          NHS Calderdale Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is responsible…

                          Freedom of Information (FOI) and Environmental Information Regulations Policy (EIR) 467.82 KB 106 downloads

                          This document sets out the Freedom of Information and Environmental Information Regulations…

                          Fire Safety Policy 304.07 KB 311 downloads

                          NHS Calderdale Clinical Commissioning Group (NHS Calderdale CCG) recognises that…

                          Maternity, Adoption, Maternity Support (Paternity) and Shared Parental Leave Policy 235.25 KB 125 downloads

                          This policy provides a framework that sets out the organisations…

                          Managing Sickness Absence Policy 274.60 KB 64 downloads

                          This policy outlines the organisation’s approach to managing sickness…

                          Learning and Development Policy 262.74 KB 158 downloads

                          This policy provides a process and framework for support to managers…

                          Grievance Policy 447.00 KB 81 downloads

                          This policy documents the steps involved in the effective management of grievances…

                          Long Service Award 290.81 KB 80 downloads

                          To provide a policy in recognition of long service and experience and to grant an…

                          Governing Body Expenses Policy 120.69 KB 57 downloads

                          The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance for claiming expenses incurred…

                          Freedom to Speak Up and Expressions of Concern (Whistleblowing) Policy 746.20 KB 71 downloads

                          The Freedom to Speak Up Expressions of Concern and (Whistleblowing)…

                          Flexible Working Policy 641.88 KB 216 downloads

                          To provide a process to ensure that all employees have the right…

                          Expenses Policy 332.71 KB 107 downloads

                          The purpose of this policy is to provide a single framework for claiming expenses…

                          Equality and Diversity Policy 279.25 KB 72 downloads

                          The principle purpose and aim of this policy is to ensure that the…

                          Strategy & Plans

                            Patients & Public Engagement and Communications


                            The health and care experiences of people living in Calderdale during the Covid-19 outbreak 0.00 KB 76 downloads

                            The report was discussed by the CCG’s Governing Body at their meeting on Thursday…

                            January 2019 – A Week in A&E engagement at Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust 939.52 KB 86 downloads

                            Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust, NHS Calderdale Clinical Commissioning…

                            Right Care, Right Time, Right Place

                              All documents


                              Safeguarding Adults & Children Annual Report April 2020 – March 2021 1.07 MB 137 downloads

                              This annual report provides an overview of the work undertaken by the CCG shared…

                              Annual Complaints Report 2020-21 267.91 KB 153 downloads


                              Complaints Annual Report 2019-2020 376.53 KB 145 downloads


                              Calderdale CCG Register of Interests: GP members 282.45 KB 232 downloads

                              Clinical Commissioning Groups are required to make arrangements to manage actual…

                              Calderdale CCG Register of Interests: CCG Governing Body and Committees 426.40 KB 223 downloads

                              Clinical Commissioning Groups are required to make arrangements to manage actual…

                              Public Sector Equality Duty Report 2022 218.84 KB 1007 downloads

                              This report provides an overview of the equality work undertaken by the Clinical…